Convert MCNP PTRAC file to a ROOT TTree
This software takes an MCNP PTRAC file, in ASCII format, and converts it to a ROOT TTree data structure. An energy spectrum histogram is also created. The TTree and histogram are saved to a ROOT file. A companion ROOT script (ptracTree.C) opens the ROOT file, finds the TTree and loops over the events, creating simple histograms that are displayed in a TCanvas. The script serves as a backbone script to be modified with a more sophisticated analysis of the events. The codes (ptrac2root.cpp and ptracTree.C) are well-documented with comments and instructions.
Compilation and installation
Included is a Makefile to compile the code. Simply execute the Makefile with,
$ make install
The executable ptrac2root is readily available in /usr/local/bin/.
The PTRAC file generated after execution of an MCNP simulation is converted by running ptrac2root,
The MCNP input file is required, whereas NCH and NMAX are optional arguments. NCH and EMAX are the number of channels (16384 by default) and the maximum energy (20 MeV by default) of the histogram, respectively.
For instance, the simulation from "Co-60 source and Ge crystal inside a concrete room", is converted from PTRAC to ROOT by,
opened ROOT file co60.root
decoding file co60p
closed PTRAC file co60p
*Tree :co60 : MCNP co60 *
*Entries : 25996 : Total = 835654 bytes File Size = 621880 *
* : : Tree compression factor = 1.34 *
*Br 0 :events : x/F:y/F:z/F:u/F:v/F:w/F:e/F:t/F *
*Entries : 25996 : Total Size= 835279 bytes File Size = 621116 *
*Baskets : 27 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.34 *
TFile** co60.root
TFile* co60.root
OBJ: TTree co60 MCNP co60 : 0 at: 0x561641f980c0
OBJ: TH1F MCNP E co60 E co60 : 0 at: 0x561642144f40
KEY: TH1F MCNP E co60;1 E co60
KEY: TTree co60;1 MCNP co60
closed ROOT file co60.root
25996 histories read, 27395 events processed, 25996 events saved
and the histogram would have 4096 channels and an energy range of [0,2] MeV. The histogram can be retrieved and displayed within a ROOT file browser window,
root [0] new TBrowser
or with the spectrum.C script,
root [0] .L spectrum.C
root [1] plot()
included in every MCNP simulation.
The TTree is read and the events analyzed with the ROOT script ptracTree.C. First copy the script and rootTree.h to the working directory, and then execute the script,
root [0] .L ptracTree.C
root [1] ptracTree("co60")
opened ROOT file co60.root
*Tree :co60 : MCNP co60 *
*Entries : 25996 : Total = 835542 bytes File Size = 621880 *
* : : Tree compression factor = 1.34 *
*Br 0 :events : x/F:y/F:z/F:u/F:v/F:w/F:e/F:t/F *
*Entries : 25996 : Total Size= 835167 bytes File Size = 621116 *
*Baskets : 27 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 1.34 *
Several histograms are created, for example,

This is a 2D histogram of the directions of cosine of the events.
This software has been developed and tested using the GNU C++ compiler with the 2011 C++ standard.
The make utility is standard in most Linux distributions. In Debian-based systems, install make with,
Current version of ROOT can be downloaded, compiled and installed in most Linux distributions. In Debian-based systems, the tutorial "Installing CERN ROOT on Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)" may be of use.
Terms of Use and License
Before buying this software, please read our Terms of Use and License.
List of Files
Included in this software package are the following files:
- ptrac2root.cpp (program to convert PTRAC file to a ROOT TTree)
- rootTree.h (header file)
- ptracTree.C (ROOT script to analyze TTree events)
- Makefile
- README (documentation)
- (terms of use)
- (license)