List of Compound Materials

Organic and inorganic compounds, and polymer materials can be instantiated using the name, chemical formula or material index,

Compound *c = new Compound(string Name);
Compound *c = new Compound(string Formula);
Compound *c = new Compound(int Index);

For example,

Compound *c = new Compound("Carbon Dioxide");
Compound *c = new Compound("CO2");
Compound *c = new Compound(134);

are equivalent instantiations.

Ambiguities, for example, H2O, are resolved by using the index number for the material.

The molecular weights are taken from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition [1]. The tabulated values can be retrived by the method,

double Compound::GetM();

The density of gases is given at 1 atm and 20° C.

Name Formula State Material Index M [g/mol] ρ [g/cm³] I [ev]
Acetone (CH3)2CO L 100 58.079 0.7845 64.2
Acetylene C2H2 G 101 26.037 0.00108186 58.2
Adenine C5H5N5 S 102 135.128 1.35 71.4
Alanine C3H7NO2 S 105 89.094 1.432 71.9
Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 S 106 101.961 3.98 145.2
Amber C12H20O S 107 180.286 1.1 63.2
Ammonia NH3 G 108 17.031 0.00070765 53.7
Aniline C6H5NH2 L 109 93.127 1.0217 66.2
Anthracene C14H10 S 110 178.229 1.28 69.5
Bakelite (C6H6O·CH2O)n S 112 124.139 1.25 72.4
Barium Fluoride BaF2 S 113 175.324 4.893 375.9
Barium Sulfate BaSO4 S 114 233.39 4.49 285.7
Benzene C6H6 L 115 78.112 0.8765 63.4
Beryllium Oxide BeO S 116 25.011 3.01 93.2
Bismuth Germanate (BGO) (Bi2O3)2(GeO2)3 S 117 1245.8 7.13 534.1
Bismuth Silicate (BSO) (Bi2O3)2(SiO2)3 S 329 1112.16 7.12 519.2
Boron Carbide B4C S 121 55.255 2.5 84.7
Boron Oxide B2O3 S 122 69.62 2.55 99.6
Bromotrifluoromethane (Freon-13B1) CBrF3 G 164 148.91 1.58 210.5
Butane C4H10 G 124 58.122 0.00241501 48.3
Butanol C4H10O L 125 74.121 0.8095 59.9
Cadmium Telluride CdTe S 127 240.01 6.2 539.3
Cadmium Tungstate CdWO4 S 128 360.25 8 468.3
Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 S 129 100.087 2.76 136.4
Calcium Fluoride CaF2 S 130 78.075 3.18 166.0
Calcium Oxide CaO S 131 56.077 3.34 176.1
Calcium Sulfate CaSO4 S 132 136.141 2.96 152.3
Calcium Tungstate CaWO4 S 133 287.92 6.06 395.0
Carbon Dioxide CO2 G 134 44.01 0.00182865 85.0
Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice) CO2 S 293 44.01 1.56 85.0
Carbon Tetrachloride CCl4 L 135 153.823 1.594 166.3
Carbon Tetrafluoride CF4 G 326 88.005 0.00365667 115.0
Cellulose (C6H10O5)n S 136 162.141 1.04 77.6
Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (C15H22O8)n S 137 330.333 1.2 74.6
Cellulose Nitrate (C6H9(NO2)O5)n S 138 207.138 0.77 87.0
Cerium Trifluoride CeF3 S 332 197.111 6.157 348.4
Cesium Fluoride CsF S 140 151.903 4.64 440.7
Cesium Iodide CsI S 141 259.809 4.51 553.1
Chlorobenzene C6H5Cl L 142 112.557 1.1058 89.1
Chloroform CHCl3 L 143 119.378 1.4788 156.0
Chlorotrifluoromethane (Freon-13) CClF3 G 163 104.459 0.95 126.6
Cyclohexane C6H12 L 145 84.159 0.7739 56.4
1,2-Dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 L 146 147.002 1.3059 106.5
Dichloroethyl Ether C4H8Cl2O L 147 143.007 1.22 103.3
Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12) CCl2F2 G 161 120.914 1.12 143.0
1,2-Dichloroethane C2H4Cl2 L 148 98.959 1.2454 111.9
Diethyl Ether C4H10O L 149 74.121 0.7138 60.0
Dimethyl Ether C2H6O G 356 46.068 0.00191416 62.9
Dimethylformamide C3H7NO L 150 73.094 0.9445 66.6
Dimethyl Sulfoxide C2H6OS L 151 78.133 1.101 98.6
Ethane C2H6 G 152 30.069 0.00124939 45.4
Ethanol C2H6O L 153 46.068 0.7893 62.9
Ethyl Cellulose C20H38O11 S 154 454.513 1.14 69.3
Ethylene C2H4 G 155 28.053 0.00116562 50.7
Trifluoroiodomethane (Freon-13I1) CF3I G 165 195.91 1.8 293.5
Gadolinium Oxyorthosilicate (GSO) Gd2O(SiO4) S 341 422.58 6.71 405.4
Gadolinium Oxysulfide (GOS) Gd2O2S S 166 378.558 7.44 493.3
Gallium Arsenide GaAs S 167 144.645 5.3176 384.9
Glucose C6H12O6·H2O S 172 180.156 1.544 77.2
Glutamine C5H10N2O3 S 173 146.144 1.46 73.3
Glycerol C3H8O3 L 174 92.094 1.261 72.6
Guanine C5H5N5O S 175 151.127 1.58 75.0
Gypsum (Plaster of Paris) CaSO4·H2O S 176 136.141 2.32 129.7
Heptane C7H16 L 177 100.202 0.6795 54.4
Hexane C6H14 L 178 86.175 0.6606 54.0
Iron Boride FeB S 158 66.656 7.15 261.0
Iron(II) Oxide FeO S 159 71.844 6 248.6
Iron(III) Oxide Fe2O3 S 157 159.688 5.25 227.3
Iron(II) Sulfate FeSO4 S 527 151.908 3.65 181.5
Kapton (C22H10N2O5)n S 179 382.331 1.42 79.6
Lanthanum Bromide LaBr3 S 327 378.617 5.1 454.5
Lanthanum Chloride LaCl3 S 334 245.264 3.84 329.5
Lanthanum Fluoride LaF3 S 331 195.9 5.9 336.3
Lanthanum Oxybromide LaOBr S 180 234.808 6.28 439.7
Lanthanum Oxysulfide La2O2S S 181 341.869 5.86 421.2
Lead Fluoride PbF2 S 330 245.2 8.44 635.4
Lead Oxide PbO S 182 223.2 9.53 766.7
Lead Tungstate PbWO4 S 301 455.036 8.35 600.7
Lithium Amide LiNH2 S 183 22.964 1.18 55.5
Lithium Carbonate Li2CO3 S 184 73.891 2.11 87.9
Lithium Fluoride LiF S 185 25.939 2.64 94.0
Lithium Hydride LiH S 186 7.949 0.78 36.5
Lithium Iodide LiI S 187 133.845 4.06 485.1
Lithium Oxide Li2O S 188 29.881 2.013 73.6
Lithium Borate Li2B4O7 S 189 169.122 2.44 94.6
Lutetium Aluminum Perovskite (LuAP) LuAlO3 S 335 249.945 8.3 423.2
Lutetium Aluminum Garnet (LuAG) Lu3Al5O12 S 336 851.796 6.73 365.9
Lutetium Fluoride LuF3 S 333 231.962 8.3 458.7
Lutetium Silicon Oxide (LSO) Lu2SiO5 S 337 458.014 7.32 472.0
Magnesium Carbonate MgCO3 S 192 84.314 3.01 118.0
Magnesium Fluoride MgF2 S 193 62.302 3.148 134.3
Magnesium Oxide MgO S 194 40.304 3.6 143.8
Magnesium Tetraborate MgB4O7 S 195 179.542 2.53 108.3
Mercuric Iodide HgI2 S 196 454.4 6.28 684.5
Mercury Telluride HgTe S 511 328.19 8.63 742.2
Methane CH4 G 197 16.043 0.000666598 41.7
Methanol CH4O L 198 32.042 0.7914 67.6
Naphtalene C10H8 S 205 128.171 1.0253 68.4
Nitrobenzene C6H5NO2 L 206 123.11 1.2037 75.8
Nitrous Oxide N2O G 207 44.012 0.00182873 84.9
Nylon (Elvamide 8062) - S 208 0 1.08 64.3
Nylon 6,6/6 (CH(CH2)5NO)n S 209 113.158 1.18 63.9
Nylon 6/10 (CH(CH2)7NO)n S 210 141.211 1.14 63.2
Nylon 11 (Rilsan) (CH(CH2)10NO)n S 211 183.291 1.425 61.6
Octane C8H18 L 212 114.229 0.6986 54.7
Paraffin CH3(CH2)n∼23CH3 S 213 352.691 0.93 55.9
Parylene (CH2C6H4C2)n S 355 114.147 1.06 66.0
Pentane C5H12 L 214 72.149 0.6262 53.6
Plutonium Dioxide PuO2 S 217 276 11.5 746.5
Plutonium Tetrafluoride PuF4 S 506 320.058 7.1 585.0
Polyacrylonitrile (C3H3N)n S 218 53.0647 1.17 69.6
Polycarbonate (Lexan) OC6H4C(CH3)2C6H4OCO)n S 219 254.285 1.2 73.1
Polychloroprene (C4H5Cl)n S 244 88.534 1.23 93.0
Polychlorostyrene (C17H18Cl2)n S 220 293.231 1.3 81.7
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (C2F3Cl)n S 228 116.467 2.1 120.7
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) CH3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3 S 528 162.379 0.965 86.8
Polyethylene (CH2CH2)n S 221 28.054 0.89 57.4
Polyethylene Terephthalate (Mylar) (C10H8O4)n S 222 192.17 1.397 78.7
Polyisobutylene (C4H8)n S 242 56.108 0.92 56.5
Polymethyl Methacrylate (Acrylic) (C5H8O2))n S 223 100.117 1.19 74.0
Polyoxymethylene (Delrin) (CH2O)n S 224 30.026 1.425 77.4
Poly-Para-Phenylene Terephthalamide (Kevlar) (C14H10N2O2)n S 505 238.24 1.44 81.2
Polypropylene (C3H6)n S 225 42.081 0.905 57.4
Polystyrene (C8H8)n S 226 104.152 1.06 68.7
Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) (C2F4)n S 227 100.016 2.25 99.1
Polyvinyl Acetate (C4H6O2)n S 229 86.09 1.19 73.7
Polyvinyl Alcohol (C2H4O)n S 230 44.053 1.3 69.7
Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) (C8H14O2)n S 231 142.198 1.07 67.2
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) (C2H3Cl)n S 232 62.496 1.406 108.2
Polyvinylidene Chloride (Saran) (C2H2Cl2)n S 233 96.938 1.7 134.3
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) (C2H2F2)n S 234 64.0348 1.76 88.8
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (C6H9NO)n S 235 111.144 1.25 67.7
Polyvinyltoluene (PVT) (C9H10)n S 216 118.179 1.008 64.7
Potassium Iodide KI S 236 166.003 3.12 431.9
Potassium Oxide K2O S 237 94.196 2.35 189.9
Propane C3H8 G 238 44.096 0.00183222 47.1
Propane C3H8 L 239 44.096 0.493 52.0
Propyl Alcohol C3H8O L 240 60.095 0.7997 61.1
Pyridine C5H5N L 241 79.101 0.9819 66.2
Rubber Natural (C5H8)n L 243 68.118 0.92 59.8
Silicon Dioxide SiO2 S 245 60.085 2.4 139.2
Silver Bromide AgBr S 246 187.772 6.47 486.6
Silver Chloride AgCl S 247 143.321 5.56 398.4
Silver Iodide AgI S 249 234.772 5.68 543.5
Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 S 251 105.989 2.54 125.0
Sodium Chloride NaCl S 300 58.443 2.17 175.3
Sodium Iodide NaI S 252 149.894 3.67 452.0
Sodium Nitrate NaNO3 S 254 84.995 2.261 114.6
Sodium Oxide Na2O S 253 61.979 2.27 148.8
Stilbene C14H12 S 255 180.245 0.9707 67.7
Sucrose C12H22O11 S 256 342.296 1.5805 77.5
Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 G 508 146.055 0.00606869 144.0
Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 L 514 146.055 1.845 144.0
Terphenyl C18H14 S 257 230.304 1.2 71.7
Tetrachloroethylene C2Cl4 L 259 165.833 1.623 159.2
Thallium Chloride TlCl S 260 239.836 7 690.3
Thorium Tetrafluoride ThF4 S 501 308.032 6.1 541.0
Titanium Dioxide TiO2 S 265 79.866 3.9 179.5
Toluene C6H5CH3 L 266 92.139 0.8623 62.5
Trichloroethylene C2HCl3 L 267 131.388 1.4642 148.1
Triethyl Phosphate C6H15PO4 L 268 182.154 1.0695 81.2
Triuranium Octoxide U3O8 S 507 842.082 8.38 660.0
Tungsten Hexafluoride WF6 L 269 297.83 3.44 354.4
Uranium Dicarbide UC2 S 270 262.05 11.3 752.0
Uranium Carbide UC S 271 250.04 13.63 862.0
Uranium Oxide UO2 S 272 270.028 10.97 720.6
Uranium Tetrafluoride UF4 S 500 314.023 6.7 565.6
Urea CO(NH2)2 S 273 60.055 1.323 72.8
Valine C5H11NO2 S 274 117.147 1.23 67.7
Viton (Fluoroelastomer) (C5H2F8)n S 275 214.058 1.8 98.6
Water-d2 (Heavy Water) D2O L 351 20.027 1.1044 79.7
Water H2O S 325 18.015 0.918 79.7
Water H2O L 276 18.015 0.997 79.7
Water H2O G 277 18.015 0.000748536 71.6
Xylene C8H10 L 278 106.165 0.8755 61.8
Yttrium Aluminum Perovskite (YAP) YAlO3 S 338 163.884 5.5 239.3
Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) Y3Al5O12 S 339 593.619 4.5 218.0
Yttrium Bromide YBr3 S 328 328.618 5.29 410.0
Yttrium Silicate Y2SiO5 S 340 285.892 4.54 258.1
Zinc Telluride ZnTe S 358 193.01 6.34 476.4
Zinc Sulfide ZnS S 531 97.474 4.09 302.0


  1. W. M. Haynes, D. R. Lide, T. J. Bruno, "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition, 2016-2017", CRC Press, 2017.

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