Muon Stopping Power, Range and Energy Loss
Computational Physics Consultants is developing a Muon Range Library. The library is designed for easy installation in any Unix-like operating system, and be used in analyses of experimetal data, or detector response simulations, by calling a handful of functions.
This demo shows the capability of the getOutgoingEnergy() library function. Input parameters are the ingoing muon energy, the material and its thickness.
This next demo shows the capability of the getIngoingEnergy() library function. Input parameters are the outgoing muon energy, the material and its thickness.
Some Details
A range table is calculated using muon stopping power formulae [1], and fast interpolation methods are used to calculate the energy loss of a muon given its energy or momentum, the material and its thickness. Conversely, the initial energy of a muon is calculated given its final energy or momentum, material and thickness. The later is more useful in detector response simulations, whereas the former is more useful when correcting for energy losses in experimental data.
Fast integration and interpolation methods are used in order for the library to be useful when correcting for energy losses in experimetal data that is analyzed on an event-by-event manner. The library intends to introduce as little computational overhead as possible.
A C version of the library is currently being developed. A C++ version has been designed, and a Python version is under consideration.
- D.E. Groom, N.V. Mokhov, S.I. Striganov, "Muon Stopping Power and Range Tables 10 MeV-100 TeV", Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 78, 183 (2001).