
These example codes can be found in /usr/share/doc/murange/examples/.

Table of Contents

Example 1: Calculate the range of a 200 MeV/c muon in Iron
Example 2: Print a stopping power and range table for Yttium (Y)
Example 3: Calculate energy loss iteratively to estimate the computing performance
Example 4: Calculate energy range of a 25 GeV muon in Carbon Tetrafluoride at 1 atm and 4 Torr

Example 1

The following example code creates an element, a range table for the element, a muon object with momentum 200 MeV/c and outputs the range,

using namespace std;

#include <iostream>
#include <murange.hpp>

int main() {

  // Iron (Fe)
  Element *Fe = new Element("Fe");

  // range table for element Fe
  Range *rFe = new Range(Fe);

  // muon with momentum 200 MeV/c
  Muon *mu = new Muon();

  cout << rFe->GetRange(mu) << " MeV/cm2" << endl;

  delete Fe;
  delte rFe;
  delete mu;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The outcome of this example is,

$ g++ -o fe-range fe-range.cpp -lmurange
$ ./fe-range
56.7843 MeV/cm2

Example 2

The following example code creates an element (Yttrium) and prints to standard output a stopping power and range table,

using namespace std;

#include <iostream>
#include <murange.hpp>

int main() {

  // Yttrium (Y)
  Element *Y = new Element("Y");

  // print stopping power and range table

  delete Y;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Example 3

The following example code creates a muon object, an element (Si), a range table and sets the muon kinetic energy randomly, from 10 to 100 MeV, then calculates the energy loss in 1-10 g/cm2 Si, iterated over tries times. The OpenMP time function is used to estimate the performance [Mtrials/s],

using namespace std;

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <murange.hpp>

#include <omp.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  // number of tries
  unsigned long tries = atol(argv[1]);


  // start time
  double start_time = omp_get_wtime();

  // muon, Si, range table
  Muon *mu = new Muon();
  Element *Si = new Element("Si");
  Range *rSi = new Range(Si);

  for ( int i = 0 ; i < tries ; i++ ) {
    // kinetic energy between 10 and 100 MeV
    double ke = (rand()%(90000000)+10000000)/1000000.;
    // thickness between 1 and 10 g/cm2
    double s = (rand()%(90000000)+10000000)/10000000.;

  // stop time
  double stop_time = omp_get_wtime();

  double performance = (double)tries / (time_stop-time_start) / 1000000.;

  fprintf(stderr,"\nnumber of tries: %ld\n",tries);
  fprintf(stderr,"execution time: %g s\n",time_stop-time_start);
  fprintf(stderr,"performance: %g Mtrials/s\n\n",performance);

  delete mu;
  delete Si;
  delete rSi;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;;

The outcome of this example is,

$ g++ -o performance performance.cpp -fopenmp -lmurange
$ ./performance 100000000

number of tries: 100000000
execution time: 18.8887 s
performance: 5.29418 Mtrials/s

The plot shows the performance as a function of number of trials, a useful measure when performing Monte Carlo simulations.

A similar OpenMP version of the above code, with 8 threads gives,

$ g++ -o performance-omp performance-omp.cpp -fopenmp -lmurange
$ ./performance-omp 8 100000000
using OpenMP with 8/16 threads

number of tries: 100000000
execution time: 3.22482 s
performance: 31.0095 Mtrials/s

and performance plot,

Example 4

The following example code calculates the range of a 25 GeV muon in Carbon Tetrafluoride (CF4) at 1 atm and 4 Torr,

using namespace std;

#include <iostream>
#include <murange.hpp>

int main() {

  // range table for CF4
  Compound *CF4 = new Compound(326);
  Range *rCF4 = new Range(CF4);

  // muon with kinetic energy 25 GeV
  Muon *mu = new Muon(25e3);

  cout << "Range of" << mu->GetKEnergy()/1000 << " GeV muon in CF4 at 1 atm: " << rCF4->GetRange(mu) << " MeV/cm2" << endl;

  // change the density to 4 Torr
  rCF4 = new Range(CF4);

  cout << "Range of" << mu->GetKEnergy()/1000 << " GeV muon in CF4 at 4 Torr: " << rCF4->GetRange(mu) << " MeV/cm2" << endl;

  delete CF4;
  delte rCF4;
  delete mu;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The outcome of this example is,

$ g++ -o cf4-range cf4-range.cpp -lmurange
$ ./cf4-range
Range of 25 GeV muon in CF4 at 1 atm: 10308.6 MeV/cm2
Range of 25 GeV muon in CF4 at 4 Torr: 10107.5 MeV/cm2

This demostrates the density dependence of the electronic stopping power.

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