List of Elements

Elements from Z=1 to Z=118 defined in the Element Class. The "State" column is the physical state switch used to define the state of the element. "G" stands for gas, "L" for liquid and "S" for solid. A notable exception is the state of Carbon (see footnotes).

An elemental material can be instantiated using its atomic number, symbol, or its symbol and physical state,

Element *e = new Element(int Z);
Element *e = new Element(string Symbol);
Element *e = new Element(string Symbol, string State);

If an element is instantiated whithout specifying the physical state, it is assumed to be in the state at 1 atm and 20° C.

The atomic weights are taken from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition [1], and have been rounded for convenience. The tabulated values can be retrived by the method,

double Element::GetA();

The density of gases is given at 1 atm and 20° C.

Although Deuterium is an isotope of Hydrogen, it is included in the Element Class for convenience.

Symbol Z State A [g/mol] ρ [g/cm³] I [eV]
H 1 G 1.008 8.37613e-05 19.2
H 1 L 1.008 0.0708 21.8
D 1 G 2.0141 0.000167375 19.2
D 1 L 2.0141 0.164 21.8
He 2 G 4.0026 0.000166311 41.8
He 2 L 4.0026 0.125 41.8
Li 3 S 6.94 0.534 40.0
Be 4 S 9.01218 1.848 63.7
B 5 S 10.811 2.37 76.0
C 6 C 1 12.011 2.265 78.0
C 6 G 2 12.011 2.21 78.0
C 6 A 3 12.011 2.0 78.0
C 6 D 4 12.011 3.52 78.0
N 7 G 14.007 0.00116398 82.0
N 7 L 14.007 0.807 82.0
O 8 G 15.999 0.00132957 95.0
O 8 L 15.999 1.141 95.0
F 9 G 18.9984 0.00157879 115.0
F 9 L 18.9984 1.507 115.0
Ne 10 G 20.1797 0.000838481 137.0
Ne 10 L 20.1797 1.204 137.0
Na 11 S 22.9898 0.971 149.0
Mg 12 S 24.305 1.74 156.0
Al 13 S 26.9815 2.699 166.0
Si 14 S 28.085 2.329 173.0
P 15 S 30.9738 2.2 173.0
S 16 S 32.06 2.0 180.0
Cl 17 G 35.45 0.00294617 174.0
Cl 17 L 35.45 1.574 174.0
Ar 18 G 39.948 0.00165987 188.0
Ar 18 L 39.948 1.396 188.0
K 19 S 39.0983 0.862 190.0
Ca 20 S 40.078 1.55 191.0
Sc 21 S 44.9559 2.989 216.0
Ti 22 S 47.867 4.54 233.0
V 23 S 50.9415 6.11 245.0
Cr 24 S 51.9961 7.18 257.0
Mn 25 S 54.938 7.44 272.0
Fe 26 S 55.845 7.874 286.0
Co 27 S 58.9332 8.9 297.0
Ni 28 S 58.6934 8.902 311.0
Cu 29 S 63.546 8.96 322.0
Zn 30 S 65.38 7.133 330.0
Ga 31 S 69.723 5.904 334.0
Ge 32 S 72.63 5.323 350.0
As 33 S 74.9216 5.73 347.0
Se 34 S 78.971 4.5 348.0
Br 35 L 79.904 3.103 357.0
Br 35 G 79.904 0.00664014 343.0
Kr 36 G 83.798 0.00348187 352.0
Kr 36 L 83.798 2.418 352.0
Rb 37 S 85.4678 1.532 363.0
Sr 38 S 87.62 2.54 366.0
Y 39 S 88.9058 4.469 379.0
Zr 40 S 91.224 6.506 393.0
Nb 41 S 92.9064 8.57 417.0
Mo 42 S 95.95 10.22 424.0
Tc 43 S 97.9072 11.5 428.0
Ru 44 S 101.07 12.41 441.0
Rh 45 S 102.906 12.41 449.0
Pd 46 S 106.42 12.02 470.0
Ag 47 S 107.868 10.5 470.0
Cd 48 S 112.414 8.65 469.0
In 49 S 114.818 7.31 488.0
Sn 50 S 118.71 7.31 488.0
Sb 51 S 121.76 6.691 487.0
Te 52 S 127.6 6.24 485.0
I 53 S 126.904 4.93 491.0
Xe 54 G 131.293 0.00545532 482.0
Xe 54 L 131.293 2.953 482.0
Cs 55 S 132.905 1.873 488.0
Ba 56 S 137.327 3.5 491.0
La 57 S 138.905 6.145 501.0
Ce 58 S 140.116 6.77 523.0
Pr 59 S 140.908 6.773 535.0
Nd 60 S 144.242 7.008 546.0
Pm 61 S 144.913 7.264 560.0
Sm 62 S 150.36 7.52 574.0
Eu 63 S 151.964 5.244 580.0
Gd 64 S 157.25 7.901 591.0
Tb 65 S 158.925 8.23 614.0
Dy 66 S 162.5 8.551 628.0
Ho 67 S 164.93 8.795 650.0
Er 68 S 167.259 9.026 658.0
Tm 69 S 168.934 9.321 674.0
Yb 70 S 173.045 6.903 684.0
Lu 71 S 174.967 9.841 694.0
Hf 72 S 178.49 13.31 705.0
Ta 73 S 180.948 16.654 718.0
W 74 S 183.84 19.3 727.0
Re 75 S 186.207 21.02 736.0
Os 76 S 190.23 22.57 746.0
Ir 77 S 192.217 22.42 757.0
Pt 78 S 195.084 21.45 790.0
Au 79 S 196.967 19.32 790.0
Hg 80 L 200.592 13.546 800.0
Tl 81 S 204.38 11.72 810.0
Pb 82 S 207.2 11.35 823.0
Bi 83 S 208.98 9.747 823.0
Po 84 S 208.982 9.32 830.0
At 85 S 209.987 6.4 825.0
Rn 86 G 222.018 0.00922499 794.0
Fr 87 S 223.02 1.87 827.0
Ra 88 S 226.025 5.0 826.0
Ac 89 S 227.028 10.07 841.0
Th 90 S 232.038 11.72 847.0
Pa 91 S 231.036 15.37 878.0
U 92 S 238.029 18.95 890.0
Np 93 S 237.048 20.25 902.0
Pu 94 S 244.064 19.84 921.0
Am 95 S 243.061 13.67 934.0
Cm 96 S 247.07 13.51 939.0
Bk 97 S 247.07 14.78 952.0
Cf 98 S 251.08 15.1 966.0
Es 99 S 252.083 0 980.0
Fm 100 S 257.095 0 994.0
Md 101 S 258.098 0 1007.0
No 102 S 259.101 0 1020.0
Lr 103 S 262.11 0 1034.0
Rf 104 S 267.122 0 1047.0
Db 105 S 268.126 0 1061.0
Sg 106 S 269.129 0 1074.0
Bh 107 S 270.133 0 1087.0
Hs 108 S 269.134 0 1102.0
Mt 109 S 278.156 0 1115.0
Ds 110 S 281.164 0 1129.0
Rg 111 S 282.169 0 1143.0
Cn 112 S 285.177 0 1156.0
Nh 113 S 286.182 0 1171.0
Fl 114 S 289.19 0 1185.0
Mc 115 S 289.194 0 1199.0
Lv 116 S 293.204 0 1213.0
Ts 117 S 294.211 0 1227.0
Og 118 S 294.214 0 1242.0
1 In the case of Carbon, "C" stands for Compact.
2 In the case of Carbon, "G" stands for Graphite.
3 In the case of Carbon, "A" stands for Amorphous.
4 In the case of Carbon, "D" stands for Diamond.


  1. W. M. Haynes, D. R. Lide, T. J. Bruno, "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition, 2016-2017", CRC Press, 2017.

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