List of Mixture Materials

Mixture materials can be instantiated using the name or material index,

Mixture *x = new Mixture(string Name);
Mixture *x = new Mixture(int Index);

For example,

Mixture *x = new Mixture("Standard Rock");
Mixture *x = new Mixture(281);

are equivalent instantiations.

Name Material Index ρ [g/cm³] I [ev]
Air (Dry, 1 atm) 104 0.00120479 85.7
Brass (60/40) 504 8.52 367.5
Bronze 509 8.77 378.4
Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) 359 5.76 532.6
Concrete (Shielding) 144 2.3 135.2
E-Glass 353 2.61 143.4
EPO-TEK 301-1 (Epoxy) 354 1.19 76.7
G-10 352 1.8 110.4
Lead Glass 170 6.22 526.4
Lead Glass (SF5) 357 4.08 334.4
Plate Glass 171 2.4 145.4
Photographic Emulsion 215 3.815 331.0
Pyrex Glass 169 2.23 134.0
Standard Rock 281 2.65 136.4
Stainless Steel (316L) 502 7.99 323.1
Tin-Lead (Solder) 503 8.42 674.4

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